
Operational & Business Support Systems OSS/BSS

With deep telecom experience and an understanding of current operational challenges facing service providers, Innovative Technology Systems has innovative and proven software products to address these challenges.


Innovative Technology Systems’ products provide service providers with an ecosystem to address all aspects of operating and managing services for enterprise or business customers. This includes service delivery and service assurance functionality.


Our innovative products provide real time visibility and control enhancing the trust between the service provider and customer.


Maximize Predictability

The ecosystem is a set of scalable carrier grade software products and modules that work together to provide visibility and control to the service provider.


Business customer and end-users exist in the same ecosystem

Instead of custom solutions that require a heavy IT uplift to maintain, these configurable products allow the business to drive service innovation. The pace is dictated by the speed of business change instead of IT development.


The open architecture was designed to co-exist with the historical systems’ mess and hides that complexity from both the customer and service provider.


The customer portal uses the same data that the service provider staff use. The result is a digital ecosystem that leapfrogs tradition to simplify and enable a personalized customer experience for business customers.



Grow order volumes 10-15% per year with same staff. Understand what services need automation.


Customer Experience

Service visibility and control. Actionable business intelligence.

Implementation Speed

Focus on bottlenecks that will yield results. Reduce costs on unnecessary IT spending.


Customer Impact

Impact to customers from network failures. Historic service availability, at-risk and trending.


Our Product Ecosystem

There are countless reasons why our service is better than the rest, but here you can learn about why we’re different.


Commercial Portal
  • Customer-centric business-driven service innovation.
  • Real-time customer service visibility and control.
  • Active inventory … true customer and network insight.
  • Reverse engineering the network to overcome the plague of bad data enabling trust and confidence.
Digital Bridge
  • Automating your operations with secure and controlled transactions.
  • Letting the business drive innovation through simplified network access.


  • Legacy to next gen networks

  • Manage at the speed of business

  • Customer-centric, secure ecosystem

  • Reverse engineer the network

Commercial Portal

Our corporate philosophy and vision is to challenge how business is done between the service provider and their business customers


Commercial Portal is a single ecosystem that provides visibility and control to service provider B2B customers and internal operations staff while understanding that today’s complex myriad of legacy systems are not going to go away.


Service providers today build custom portals to give limited visibility to their customers while hiding the mess from legacy systems. This disconnected approach causes frustrations with both internal staff and the business customer.


The Commercial Portal provides a full suite of capability to interact with high value commercial customers with service fulfillment and assurance needs. It provides the ability for all employees to interact within the same ecosystem as the customer.


Most important, it provides a simple road map to start the process of turning down legacy systems in a painless manner.


The Commercial Portal crosses traditional BSS/OSS network boundaries in a secure scalable architecture. Our productized modular approach will leverage your existing investments seamlessly while hiding all of the complexity from the end customer and your internal operations staff.


Finally, with the advent of virtualization and dynamic services such as SD WAN, customers are demanding visibility and control of the services that they are buying.


Commercial Portal in Action


Key Product Benefits and Features


  • Catalog driven marketplace
  • Unified customer portal & operations ecosystem
  • Business driven orchestration & automation
  • Customer service alarm impact
  • Hardened security
  • Customer service and performance


Operations staff working from the same page in terms of what they see has repeatedly proven to increase trust with our customers.


Commercial Portal in Action


42% reduction in SLA disputes with business customers
7% growth in revenue generation through upsell of additional enterprise services
0 growth in agents required for enterprise care


Enterprise customers have SLAs that they use to challenge service providers the quality of service being delivered. The results are a growing workforce focused on enterprise care as more customers are acquired.

Solution Provides


Maintain an accurate network topology including the customer services.
Provides a real-time understanding of alarm impact on the customer. The system maintains monthly availability statistics on availability.
Configure the system and provide control to customer for ongoing service management
The result is an environment where the customer has visibility and control of the services they get from the service provider and a marketplace for new services to existing customers.

Implementation Cycle


Understand the existing service and network topology and load passive non-discoverable data Map Customer Facing Services (CFS) to Resource Facing Services (RFS)
Use TIERONE’s Service stitching™ technologies to reverse engineer the network supporting the customer services and the details of services running on it. Provide a feed for alarm and performance data acquisition Integrate to existing Service Provider ticketing system


Reverse engineering the network to overcome the plague of bad data bringing trust and confidence in inventory.


Today’s service providers have seemingly insurmountable challenges in service delivery and assurance use cases that essentially stems from lack of accurate data in their inventory systems. Vendors’ solution to this has been augmenting discovery solutions that provide reports or fix issues in the inventory. There is no debate that this approach has failed.


Going to the root of the issue NETPortal addresses specific issues that completely removes the barriers that are preventing service providers from cleaning the data. NETPortal Active Inventory was designed to prevent data issues at the core. Our Service Stitching™ technology was purpose built with the role of addressing cleanup using trusted data directly from the network.


The results: One integrated NETPortal Active Inventory product that provides confidence in the data being viewed with visual cues as to the state of data. Operations staff can no longer state that they cannot trust the data.


NETPortal takes this further by understanding the service providers need to move into a hybrid virtual environment for a long period and be able to maintain both fulfillment and assurance processes throughout this period.


Key Product Benefits and Features


  • Real time awareness of network change
  • Reverse engineer the network
  • True understanding of customer impact
  • Policy driven device control
  • Robust security access model
  • Visual confidence in data


Trust and confidence in the data is the key differentiator that NETPortal instills in the organization.


NetPortal in Action




confidence in the inventory data used for service delivery and assurance needs and dramatically reduce fallout during provisioning.



Total cost of ownership fixed for a 10-year period under a managed services model for less than the previously existing vendors annual maintenance costs. This included upgrades, bug fixes, ongoing vendor and technology support.




As a core system the value of an inventory system is the accuracy of the data. Telecom service providers are plagued with accuracy of data transport and communications services.
Ability to cope with change is expensive and the total cost of ownership is spiraling out of control.
Usability and value across the organization is severely limited as it is seen as an engineering tool with limited general usability and security

Solution Provides


A single active inventory was deployed in a managed services environment that includes all ongoing changes to support new technologies and vendors to fix the total cost of ownership.

Implementation Cycle


Load only passive data required for service and assurance needs Configure the real-time acquisition of network data as it changes in the network

Digital Bridge

Balance the need for a wide variety of access to the network against the need for security, visibility and control


The Digital Bridge allows the business to drive innovation through simplified, controlled, and direct access to the network.


The bottom line it is all about real-time access and control to network data directly from the network in a secure audited transaction.


Each time a transaction is developed and deployed on the running Digital Bridge:

  • Anyone can interact with Digital Bridge through an automated GUI that provides him or her with the right access and control they need.
  • The same transactions are also available over API to all upstream systems.


The Digital Bridge is a security hardened appliance that provides an easily configurable electronic workbench to generate transactions to existing service provider networks. It ensures the integrity of the network while providing the access and control. Throughout the process, network passwords are completely protected from those developing transactions to those using the transactions.


The Digital Bridge provides dynamic control. If a specific device is under attack or is starting to get heavily loaded, throttling the transactions and/or denying temporary access is within their control.


Key Product Benefits and Features


  • Interface to any network or system
  • Simplified English interface to network syntax
  • Published API to business logic
  • Removes need for technical training
  • Transaction life cycle management
  • System of Innovation workbench


Simplicity and elegance in controlled interactive access makes the Digital Bridge a natural need within the service provider community.


Digital Bridge in Action




Users from over 100 user groups have interactive secure access to network devices

4 Mil.


Interactions per year and growing via a single GUI to network devices




Care agents require accurate information from a plethora of network devices: number of applications for access growing and increasing the already complex training to on board new agents.

Solution Provides


A single simplified English GUI interface to securely access all networks, systems and databases.
Consolidated custom screens to pre-fetch data on incoming calls for specific high volume use cases.
Network access to provisioning and automated test systems.

Implementation Cycle


Assess care agent request to maximize benefit.
Prioritize by incident type volume.
Develop and install transactions.
Configure security.
Monitor and throttle traffic volumes.

Customer-centric and business-driven service innovation. Real-time customer service visibility and control

Active inventory…true customer and network insight. Reverse engineering the network to overcome the plague of bad data enabling trust and confidence

Automating your operations with secure and controlled transactions. Letting the business drive innovation through simplified network access.

Operational software for Service Providers to manage business customers, Integrated customer portal providing control and visibility to services. Hides the complexity of legacy systems from the service provider and their customers.